12 min read

Health and wellbeing programs

Last updated February 2023

This chapter describes the benefits of health and wellbeing programs, and explains how to plan, design, implement and evaluate them.

What is a health and wellbeing program?

Definition: Health and Wellbeing Program

A health and wellbeing program is a collection of strategies and activities implemented by a business to encourage the health and wellbeing of its workers.

Health and wellbeing programs form an important part of compliance with work health and safety obligations. A business owes a duty of care to ensure the health and safety of its workers, and to protect their welfare.

Health and wellbeing programs are designed to assist workers with the following health and welfare issues:

  • mental health;
  • energy levels;
  • weight management;
  • blood pressure;
  • sleeping patterns;
  • nutrition; and
  • alcohol consumption.

There are three main types of health and wellbeing initiatives:

  • educational initiatives;
  • action-based initiatives; and
  • culture-based initiatives.
Tip: A good health and wellbeing program will include both educational and action-based initiatives as well as embracing the idea of cultural development of the organisation to sustain health and welfare.
