4 years ago Do earthmoving equipment operators need a high-risk work licence? When using earthmoving equipment like front-end loaders for high-risk work, does the operator need a high-risk work licence?
4 years ago Do home-based workers need first aid kits? Do all workers who work from home need to be issued a first aid kit and be a qualified first aider? Our business is in Queensland.
4 years ago What legislation currently applies in Western Australia? Our business operates in Western Australia. I note that Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation has recently been passed in Western Australia, and will be implemented following completion of the regulations. Could you please confirm which legislation is now relevant for our business?
4 years ago Are we required to pay for a worker's health and safety home office purchases? If a worker requests an item of equipment for the home office for health and safety reasons, what are our obligations in terms of funding the purchase?
4 years ago Where can I find fire safety requirements for Western Australia? I have been told we need a certain number of fire extinguishers per square metre of our work shed, and we need to carry a certain number in our work trailers. How can I find this exact information for Western Australia?
4 years ago Must we have hard copies of our safety data sheets? We have hard copies of all the safety data sheets for the chemicals used in our workplace. Is it okay if we have these available on our intranet instead?
4 years ago Making reasonable adjustments for a worker’s injury How far do we have to go in accommodating an employee's injury before the situation can be deemed as untenable?
4 years ago Asking for new employees’ medical history Are we legally allowed to ask our new employees to fill out a medical history form? We believe we need to know of any health issues an employee may have to fulfil our duty of care.
4 years ago Workplace health and safety policy requirements Is there a legal requirement to have certain policies or is it just what you believe is relevant to the business operations?
4 years ago Signage for the storage of hand sanitiser Do we need to post flammable goods signage on the outside of the building and signage on the storage cabinet where the hand sanitiser is kept?
4 years ago Signage requirements We have been advised that some of our chemical signs are incorrect. Where can I find simple information on signage?
4 years ago When do we need a high-risk work licence in NSW? When do we need a high-risk work licence in NSW?
4 years ago First aid kit inspections What are the requirements regarding keeping first aid kits up to date? Should we inspect them annually?
4 years ago Should NT be included for a journey claim? Should the Northern Territory be included for a journey claim?
4 years ago Fire extinguishers in home workplaces We have many staff who are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Is a fire extinguisher in the home a mandatory requirement seeing as it is a workplace, and if so, who is responsible to purchase and maintain it?