4 years ago Fire extinguishers in home workplaces We have many staff who are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Is a fire extinguisher in the home a mandatory requirement seeing as it is a workplace, and if so, who is responsible to purchase and maintain it?
4 years ago Vehicle safety obligations I believe that vehicles are considered a workplace for work health and safety and workers’ compensation purposes. Is this correct?
5 years ago Working remotely during the pandemic With the COVID-19 crisis, many of our staff are working from home. What is the correct set-up for a home workstation and floor space to ensure we are complying with our health and safety duties? We operate in NSW.
5 years ago Stress leave One of our employees has said he needs a week’s stress leave. While I understand stress leave is given, is there a limit to how long he is allowed to have? Also, what documentation does he have to produce?
5 years ago JSA or SWMS: Which is more important? Does the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) now take over from the Job Safety Analysis (JSA)? Is each one specific to their site, or are they both required?
5 years ago Signing a safe work method statement I have received advice that employees must sign off (handwritten signatures or signatures scanned in) on safe work method statements (SWMSs) for working at heights and high-pressure work. Do you have to have actual employees’ signatures on the SWMSs?
5 years ago Unfit for work Are we able to delay the return of an employee until her doctor can confirm that she is fully fit to return to work?
5 years ago Are there any standards or regulations for portable wheelchair ramps? Are there any standards or regulations we should be aware of before we purchase a portable wheelchair ramp?
5 years ago Can a health and safety committee member refuse training? One of our health and safety committee members has refused to undergo training. Should they be allowed to remain on the committee?
5 years ago What are our testing and tagging requirements? Our business has offices in Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and Brisbane. What are the test and tag requirements in these states?
5 years ago Who is a prescribed person? The Work Health and Safety Act refers to a ‘prescribed person’ and ‘person of a prescribed class’. There are no definitions for these terms in the legislation. Who do these terms refer to?
5 years ago Can a worker representing a work group be a WHS Committee member? Can a worker representing a work group be a WHS Committee member? Or does it have to be a worker not involved in the WHS Committee already?
5 years ago Are we required to have a work group and HSR at every site across the country? Our organisation operates at multiple sites across the country. Are we required to have a work group and HSR at every site? Or can we have one work group per state or sector, and invite one worker from each site to form part of their state/sector work group, with that work group electing an HSR?
5 years ago When must you have a first aid officer? Are we legally required to have a first aid officer within an office environment?
5 years ago Must we record a postie injury? Do we need to capture a postie's injury as a Lost Time Injury (LTI) on our statistics?