11 years ago Must we keep documentation of health and safety records in hard-copy format? Is there a legal requirement to keep documentation of health and safety records in hard-copy format or can all documents be scanned and filed?
11 years ago What are the requirements for the number of area wardens in an organisation? What are the requirements for the number of area wardens in an organisation?
11 years ago Must we provide all company vehicles with a fire extinguisher? Can you please advise me whether it is a requirement to provide all company vehicles with a fire extinguisher?
11 years ago What are our obligations regarding fatigue management of travelling workers? What are our obligations regarding fatigue management?
11 years ago What's the difference between a PCBU and an officer under the WHS Act? Who are the PCBUs and who are the officers? Is it possible to be both at the same time?
11 years ago What are my health and safety obligations to workers working from home? I have a casual worker who will soon be working from home. What are my health and safety obligations to this worker?
11 years ago WHS or OHS? It was brought to my attention that all the HR policies referencing OHS need to be changed to WHS in line with new legislative changes. Is this accurate?
11 years ago Do we have to pay for ergonomic testing? A staff member who suffers from back and neck pain wants her workplace ergonomically tested. Are we liable to pay for that assessment?
11 years ago How frequently are we legally required to carry out office inspections? How frequently are we legally required to carry out an office inspection?
11 years ago Who is responsible for reporting notifiable incidents? If an employee of a contractor or a contractor injures themselves and it is a notifiable incident, who is responsible for notifying the authorities?
11 years ago What are the requirements regarding keeping first aid kits up-to-date? What are the requirements regarding keeping first aid kits up-to-date? Should we inspect them annually?
11 years ago What's the difference between a JSA and an SWMS? Are job safety analyses (JSAs) and safe work method statements (SWMSs) the same thing, or should they be separate documents?
11 years ago How can we use stairs safely? What is the correct procedure for people using the stairs in a workplace? Where do workers position themselves when walking up the stairs, and when walking down the stairs?
11 years ago Is testing and tagging required when a residual current device (RCD) is installed? Is testing and tagging still required when a residual current device (RCD) is installed?
11 years ago Liability for overseas workers If a company is in a state that operates under the WHS Act and it sends its workers overseas, is it expected to comply with the WHS Act for these workers?