9 years ago When do after-work drinks become work-related functions? If staff bring their own alcohol to socialise after hours in the staffroom, is this still considered a work-related function because it is using the workplace as a venue?
9 years ago Is wearing hats for sun protection mandatory? Is this policy in breach of the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act)?
10 years ago Are we liable for transport we provide? If a bus is provided by the employer to collect workers, is the employer liable for duty of care, workers’ compensation and damages?
10 years ago If workers bring home-cooked food into the workplace lunchroom and somebody gets sick, can they claim workers’ compensation? If workers bring home-cooked food into the workplace lunchroom and somebody gets sick, can they claim workers’ compensation?
10 years ago May we set up our own health and safety committee and manage it according to our own internal procedure? Are we legally exposed by not following the OHS Act and having voted in HSRs and designated work groups?
10 years ago Do we have to establish a health and safety committee? Is it necessary to have a health and safety committee if there are 20 or more workers in a business?
10 years ago When can union representatives act for their workers in disciplinary matters relating to health and safety? When do we have to allow workers access to union representation when disciplining them in relation to safety in the workplace?
10 years ago Are there age restrictions on heavy lifting? Are there any age restrictions in relation to heavy lifting?
10 years ago How do we create a first aid procedure? Can you offer any advice on creating a first aid procedure?
10 years ago Are we required to provide treatment for a repetitive strain injury? What are our obligations for a repetitive strain injury?
10 years ago Do we need a register of chemicals for domestic cleaning products? Must we have a register of chemicals and safety data sheets for cleaning chemicals?
10 years ago Can workers leave early instead of taking their break? Is a full-time worker obligated to take a break?
10 years ago What are the requirements to tag and test air conditioners? Do air conditioners that have a visible power cord need to be tagged and tested every 5 years?
10 years ago What's the difference between a safe operating procedure and a job safety analysis? Could you please provide a clear explanation of the difference between a safe operating procedure and a job safety analysis?
10 years ago Can we oppose or remove a person elected as a health and safety representative? When candidates have been elected for the position of a HSR, can management oppose this person or remove them from the election?