9 years ago Do we have to provide ergonomic support in a company car? Is the employer responsible for providing an ergonomic back support to make the sitting position more comfortable, or is that the responsibility of the worker?
9 years ago How many hours can sales representatives be allowed to drive in a day using their own vehicles? Is there any legislation or other guidelines about how many hours sales representatives should be allowed to drive in a day using their own vehicles?
9 years ago Are we required to provide assistance for a non-work-related injury? Is an employer required to provide aids/mechanical assistance in the workplace for non-work-related injuries?
9 years ago How often should we conduct workplace inspections? What is the legal requirement regarding how regularly a workplace should be formally inspected?
9 years ago Do emergency exit signs always have to be lit? What are our obligations in relation to our exit signs?
9 years ago How do we ensure workers practise good hygiene? We wish to raise this matter at a safety meeting and cover personal hygiene. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
9 years ago Must we provide safe transport to and from a work-related function? Is travel to and from the venue covered by workers’ compensation?
9 years ago What constitutes working from home? What constitutes working from home from a legal perspective?
9 years ago Can you be liable for administering first aid? Can you please inform us of the relevant legislative (or other) instrument that deals with this and provide some general advice?
9 years ago When is fall protection for penetrations required? Could you please provide some guidance on the maximum size that a penetration can be before fall protection is required?
9 years ago What can we do if a project manager has ignored safety issues? Legally, can he screw up a genuine hazard card just because he doesn’t like what’s been written?
9 years ago Can we issue a warning based on complaints from the general public? What should we do when members of the public have complained about one of our drivers?
9 years ago Are there requirements for where fire extinguishers are located? Are there requirements for where fire extinguishers are located? For example, do they have to have a clearance zone?
9 years ago What obligations do we have to children visiting the workplace? If children are in the workplace, does this mean that all or any of our workers need a Working with Children Check?
9 years ago Can you clarify who can demand access to a workplace without prior notification? Who can demand access to the workplace without prior notification?