8 years ago Do we need defibrillators at work? What are your views about providing defibrillators in the workplace?
8 years ago How can a worker get appropriate training for conducting an audit? How might a staff member receive appropriate training to complete audits?
8 years ago Are desk lamps allowed for an individual workstation? Would you recommend having desk lamps for an individual workstation? ls this allowed?
8 years ago Do we have to pay for first aid training? Can an organisation ask the first aid officers to pay for their own first aid training?
8 years ago Does our duty of care apply to our staff when they volunteer for another organisation? Who is responsible for their overall safety?
8 years ago How high is too high for a reception desk? Is there a regulation that covers the correct measurements of a reception desk?
8 years ago Is it compulsory to provide office workers with a sick room? Can you please tell me if sick rooms are mandatory in NSW corporate offices? What are the rules surrounding this?
8 years ago What happens to our certification when the new safety standard arrives? Will companies have to re-certify to the new standard as was the case of ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015?
9 years ago Can we request a worker to attend a meeting to discuss their WorkCover claim? If an employee has a WorkCover claim pending for harassment and stress, can our company continue to investigate while that claim is pending and the employee is off work?
9 years ago Is our air conditioning contractor is required to fill out risk assessments? Could you please tell me if our air conditioning contractor is required to fill out a risk assessment for every job they are called out to undertake?
9 years ago Do RCDs override the need for test and tag? Must we continue to conduct a 6-monthly test and tag of our electrical equipment now that we have full RCD protection?
9 years ago Who is a 'competent person' to identify asbestos risks? Who is a 'competent person' to identify asbestos risks?
9 years ago Is a positive saliva test for drugs reason to dismiss? Are we able to terminate employment on the initial positive saliva test?
9 years ago What is a lost time injury and how long does it last? Can you provide the definition of a lost time injury and how long it lasts for?
9 years ago Can we use expired bandages in first aid kits? Can we use expired bandages, including non-sterile ones, in first aid rooms, or do we have to remove them and replace them?