7 years ago Do we have to keep paper copies of incident reports? Should we retain paper copies of incident reports after an incident has been entered into an online incident reporting system?
7 years ago Do we have to appoint fire wardens? If we have a correct procedure in place with drills, etc., do we need to have fire wardens?
7 years ago Can we target certain workers for drug and alcohol testing? Can we do this? Could this be some form of discrimination?
7 years ago How do we measure heights for working at heights? When assessing if a worker is in fact 'working at heights', or to assess the risk at which work at heights is being performed, is the measure typically taken from the platform on which they are standing, or from head level of the worker to the ground?
7 years ago How many fire wardens are enough? I have tried unsuccessfully to establish if there is a required number of fire wardens per staff in Victoria. Are you able to provide some guidance on this please?
7 years ago Do our drivers need first aid training? Do we need to provide our drivers with first aid training?
7 years ago How risky is it to hire someone with a pre-existing injury? Can you please assist by outlining some recommendations when requesting a ‘fitness to work’ for an applicant who has passed the interview selection within our recruitment process?
7 years ago Can workers listen to music safely? Is there a workplace law or directive that prevents employees from wearing earpieces or headsets playing music in a manufacturing or construction environment?
7 years ago Where can we find legal information to include in our bullying and drug and alcohol policies? My company is currently drafting a workplace bullying policy and a drug and alcohol policy. Can you help with two areas.
7 years ago What information do we need to keep for non-hazardous substances? Are we required to maintain current (within 5 years) Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) on hand?
7 years ago How many consecutive days can someone work? Is working that many days in a row in contravention of any Commonwealth or State legislation?
7 years ago Can workers accrue leave while absent on workers' compensation? Can workers accrue or be paid leave while getting workers’ compensation? Our company is based in NSW.
7 years ago Are we covered for company gym injuries? Does our workers’ compensation policy cover any injuries or fatalities that occur due to accidents in the gym?
7 years ago Who provides first aid kits in company vehicles? Can you please clarify this issue and definitively say where this responsibility lies?