Do you provide much credence to online training as refresher courses?
Q: We have trained fire wardens who undertake annual refresher online courses. Do you provide much credence to online training as refresher courses? Also, should we complete annual/bi-annual fire extinguisher training for team leaders/emergency coordinators and could this training be provided by our fire wardens?
A: Online training is limited in ensuring your fire wardens as well as your staff are adequately trained on fire safety and emergency plans. You must also conduct evacuation drills and wardens need to be able to locate and know how to use equipment. All staff (including wardens) need to know where escape routes and meeting points are.
Conducting annual or bi-annual training for emergency coordinators is suitable. As long as your fire wardens are competent, they can provide that training. You could also arrange for training by a security/fire management businesses or your local fire department who may be happy to assist.
Please note: The answer is correct at the time of publishing. Be aware that laws may change over time. Refer to Training and induction for current advice.
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