WorkSafe's WorkWell Toolkit for Small Business
WorkSafe Victoria has launched a free online toolkit providing tailored, step-by-step support to help small businesses create mentally healthy workplaces.
The WorkWell Toolkit for Small Business offers resources such as case studies, policy templates, videos and tip sheets that are designed for use by small business.
The resources cover a range of topics, including:
- bullying;
- fatigue;
- gendered violence, including sexual harassment;
- leadership;
- occupational violence and aggression;
- respect; and
- role clarity.
WorkSafe Executive Director Health and Safety Narelle Beer said, "The toolkit will support small businesses to be better able to identify and manage risks to psychological health, which can be harder to spot but are just as important to address as risks to physical health."
The toolkit is part of WorkSafe's WorkWell program, which also includes learning networks to connect businesses and workers with mental health experts, and WorkSafe's Mental Health Improvement Fund, which offers investment to organisations and industry groups to prevent mental injury.
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