Why is it important for you to have health and safety representatives in your workplace?
We all know that we have certain obligations to meet to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. Methods of doing this are open to interpretation but no matter what, OHS compliance is essential.
And why not give yourself the best possible chance of creating a safe workplace? Health and safety representatives (HSRs) can help you…
Why are health and safety representatives important?
In terms of the functions and responsibilities of HSRs, each State has different statutory obligations, but the importance of their function remains the same.
HSRs can play an imperative role in making your employees safer at work:
- HSRs bring your employees’ OHS concerns to your attention where you otherwise would not be aware.
- HSRs observe where potential hazards might exist in the workplace that you have not yet picked up on.
- HSRs encourage all employees to use safe work practices.
- HSRs are elected by your employees and therefore your employees will feel more comfortable to approach and speak to them about their worries.
So if you have not yet done so, think about instating a health and safety representative in your workplace for the benefit of you and your employees.
And while you are starting the year by getting your workplace health and safety in tip-top shape, don’t forget the other vital elements of running your business in the process…
Stay safe!
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