2 min read

5 key undertakings of cherry farm after new worker’s entrapment injury

A cherry farm, Koala Cherries Pty Ltd, has entered into an enforceable undertaking valued at more than $200,000 in substitution for a prosecution relating to the entrapment of a worker who suffered injuries to her hand on her first day at the workplace.

The worker was injured while sorting and packing cherries on the cherry grading machine, which transported boxes of cherries along motorised conveyor belts onto metal rollers in 23 lanes. 

The point where the conveyor belt and rollers meet rotates and creates a pinch point, which was not guarded, on lanes 18 and 19. 

The induction undertaken by the worker on her first day did not cover the location of, and instructions on how to use, an emergency stop cable designed to cut power to the conveyors, nor did it include information about the conveyor belts and its pinch points.

While working, the injured worker (who was not being supervised) attempted to dislodge a box of cherries in lane 19 by reaching over lane 18 and into lane 19 with her hand while both conveyors were operating. Her left thumb and forefinger became entangled between the conveyor belt and rollers in lane 19, causing a significant injury. 

The emergency stop cable failed to work and power was only terminated once another worker activated an isolator located two lanes away.

The charges laid against the company were withdrawn following the company entering into an enforceable undertaking, which involves multiple undertakings that are to be completed over an 18-month period, including:

  1. Implementing significant safety updates to Koala’s workplace and workplace practices.
  2. Producing safety videos about key risks throughout Koala’s workplace.
  3. Creating and publishing standard operating procedures and template competency tests for various plant and equipment. The company will collaborate with the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) and two other industry organisations to distribute these resources free to industry operators.
  4. Hosting, in collaboration with the VFF, two free training events for industry operators that will address topics including incident reporting and the most common type of hazards and risks associated with the use of plant, machinery and equipment on farms.
  5. Making a donation to the VFF to assist the organisation to continue delivering its strategic objectives.

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